Beautiful Entrance into a Large Furniture Store


                 Hallway to Restrooms
  This acid stained and designed cut floor was finished a few years ago.  The design was hand cut and two acid colors were used to produce a unique and desired look.  The top coat to protect the floor from UV lighting was a Versatile 5400 urea.  After a few years, I stopped by to see how the floor was doing.  As the above pictures show, the floor is looking great.  There were a couple problems that I saw that could have been avoided. 

1)  In a few spots I noticed there were scratches caused by someone dragging heavy furniture across the floor without any protection.  If a heavy piece of furniture is dragged across bare concrete, it will scratch the surface but it is not that noticeable.  If dragged across a floor that has been coated with acids and a gloss top coat, it will be.  

2)  The floor was never waxed.  A floor treated with an industrial wax once or twice a year will help protect the floor and help hide any scratches caused by an individual's carelessness.  

3)  This was the entrance to the store.  Why they decided to use it as a display area and drag furniture across it, is a mystery to me.  BUT the floor still looks great and if the owner ever decides to apply a wax, the floor once again will shine with beauty.
